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Course Details

Lecture Titles

  1.   Myxoid Soft Tissue Tumors: How to Avoid Getting All Mixed Up (Rajiv Patel M.D.)
  2.   Neutrophilic Dermatoses: More than a Sweet Thing (J. Junkins-Hopkins M.D.)
  3.   WHO Classification of Skin Tumours 5th Edition: Update on Soft Tissue Tumors (Rajiv Patel M.D.)
  4.   Epithelial Dysplasia Diagnosis and Current Issues (Richard Jordan DDS, Ph.D.)
  5.   Challenging Cases Slide Seminar (Rajiv Patel M.D.)
  6.   The Obsured Interface: Sorting Out the Lichenoid/Vacuolar Tissue Reactions (J. Junkins-Hopkins M.D.)
  7.   Diagnostically Disorienting Epitheloid Tumors That Are Not Epithelial (Rajiv Patel M.D.)
  8.   Vexing Vasculitides (Philip LeBoit M.D.)
  9.   Useful Immunohistochemical Markers of Molecular Aberrations (Rajiv Patel M.D.)
  10.   Bony Conditions in Oral Pathology, Including Fibro-Osseous Lesions (Richard Jordan DDS, Ph.D.)
  11.   Adnexal Tumors and Some Mimics (Philip LeBoit M.D.)
  12.   HPV: When, Why and Where? (Richard Jordan DDS, Ph.D.)
  13.   Updates in the Diagnosis of Cutaneous Lymphoma (J. Junkins-Hopkins M.D.)
  14.   The Gray Zone: Intermediate Grade Melanocytic Neoplasms and What to Do About Them? (Philip LeBoit M.D.)
  15.   Unremarkable Skin Biopsy Findings: Highlighting the Value of Cliinical Input (J. Junkins-Hopkins M.D.)
  16.   Logical Approach to the Diagnosis of Salivary Gland Tumors
  17.   Mimickers of Cutaneous Lymphoma: Avoid the Pitfalls (J. Junkins-Hopkins M.D.)
  18.   Salivary Gland Tumors: Diagnosis and Classification (Richard Jordan DDS, Ph.D.)
  19.   Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Melanoma (Philip LeBoit M.D.)
  20.   New Clues to Diagnosis in Dermatopathology (And Some Old Ones Revisited) (Philip LeBoit M.D.)

Philip E LeBoit
Philip E LeBoit , M.D.  (Course Director)
Affiliation : University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco, CA
Additional : Co-Director of UCSF Dermatopathology and Oral Pathology Service
Richard  Jordan
Richard Jordan , DDS, Ph.D  
Affiliation : University of California Medical Center, San Francisco, CA
J.  Junkins-Hopkins
J. Junkins-Hopkins , M.D.  
Affiliation : Geisinger Medical Center
Rajiv M. Patel
Rajiv M. Patel , M.D.  
Affiliation : Cutaneous Pathology - WCP Laboratories, INC.

Monday October 14

1.     Myxoid Soft Tissue Tumors: How to Avoid Getting All Mixed Up (Rajiv Patel M.D.)

2.     Neutrophilic Dermatoses: More than a Sweet Thing (J. Junkins-Hopkins M.D.)

3.     WHO Classification of Skin Tumors 5th Edition: Update on Soft Tissue Tumors (Rajiv Patel M.D.)

4.     Epithelial Dysplasia Diagnosis and Current Issues (Richard Jordan DDS, Ph.D.)

5.     Challenging Cases Slide Seminar (Rajiv Patel M.D.)


Tuesday October 15

1.     The Obscured Interface: Sorting Out the Lichenoid/Vacuolar Tissue Reactions (J. Junkins-Hopkins M.D.)

2.     Diagnostically Disorienting Epitheloid Tumors That Are Not Epithelial (Rajiv Patel M.D.)

3.     Vexing Vasculitides (Philip LeBoit M.D.)

4.     Useful Immunohistochemical Markers of Molecular Aberrations (Rajiv Patel M.D.)

5.     Bony Conditions in Oral Pathology, Including Fibro-Osseous Lesions (Richard Jordan DDS, Ph.D.)


Wednesday October 16

1.     Adnexal Tumors and Some Mimics (Philip LeBoit M.D.)

2.     HPV: When, Why and Where? (Richard Jordan DDS, Ph.D.)

3.     Updates in the Diagnosis of Cutaneous Lymphoma (J. Junkins-Hopkins M.D.)

4.     Mucosal inflammatory & non neoplastic diseases (Richard Jordan DDS, Ph.D.)

5.     Unremarkable Skin Biopsy Findings: Highlighting the Value of Clinical Input (J. Junkins-Hopkins M.D.)


Thursday October 17

1.     Logical Approach to the Diagnosis of Salivary Gland Tumors

2.     Mimickers of Cutaneous Lymphoma: Avoid the Pitfalls (J. Junkins-Hopkins M.D.)

3.     Salivary Gland Tumors: Diagnosis and Classification (Richard Jordan DDS, Ph.D.)

4.     Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Melanoma (Philip LeBoit M.D.)

5.     New Clues to Diagnosis in Dermatopathology (And Some Old Ones Revisited) (Philip LeBoit M.D.)

Physicians Assistants (P.A.), Fellows or Residents
If you are a Physicians Assistant (P.A.), Fellow or Resident, we offer a special course rate. Please email or call 925-376-0217 to find out more information.
I'm looking forward to my next CME with you guys! You are the best!

Upcoming courses

Duration: 4 days
June 23 - June 26, 2025
John R. Goldblum, M.D. (Course Director)
Karuna Garg, M.D.
Merce Jorda, M.D., Ph.D.
Marissa J White, M.D.

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TUITION: $1,295.00
Duration: 4 days
July 21 - July 24, 2025
Teri M. Longacre, M.D. (Course Director)
Kimberly Allison, M.D.
Jesse K. McKenney, M.D.
Anne M. Mills, M.D.

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TUITION: $1,295.00
Duration: 4 days
October 13 - October 16, 2025
Philip E LeBoit, M.D. (Course Director)

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TUITION: $1,295.00


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